How I Ethically Hacked a WordPress Site in 10 Minutes Using WPScan

How I Ethically Hacked a WordPress Site in 10 Minutes Using WPScan

Disclaimer: This guide is strictly for educational purposes. Unauthorized access, testing, or scanning of systems is both illegal and unethical. Always obtain proper permissions before using cybersecurity tools. Misuse may result in severe legal and professional consequences.

Navigating the World of Ethical Hacking with WPScan

During my journey into ethical hacking, I discovered a significant vulnerability on an active WordPress website. Using WPScan, I responsibly highlighted this flaw, contributing to bolstered site security and earning acknowledgment for my ethical endeavors. You can view the relevant screenshots in the article's concluding section.

A Closer Look at WordPress

As the globe's leading content management system (CMS), WordPress drives a staggering 40% of all online platforms. With its intuitive user interface, rich plugin repository, and adaptable themes, it stands out as the premier choice for both novices and businesses to establish a robust online footprint.

The Security Challenge with WordPress

While WordPress's widespread adoption makes it a favorite, it simultaneously becomes an attractive target for potential hackers. The very facets that make it user-friendly can backfire when site administrators neglect essential security protocols. Common lapses, like using outdated plugins or simplistic passwords, render WordPress platforms vulnerable. There's a pressing need for heightened security consciousness and robust protective measures.

Securing WordPress: Does A Tool Exist?

Certainly! WPScan stands out as the dedicated tool for conducting ethical audits on WordPress sites.

Installation Guide for WPScan on Linux:

1. Launch the terminal.

2. Refresh the package lists for the newest version updates using

sudo apt-get update.

3. Ensure all dependencies are in place with the command:

sudo apt-get install curl git libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev ruby ruby-dev build-essential.

4. Incorporate the Ruby gem 'bundler':

sudo gem install bundler.

5. Clone WPScan's official repository:

git clone

6. Navigate to the WPScan directory:

cd wpscan.

7. Set up the required Ruby gems:

sudo bundle install --without test development

8. Grant executable rights to WPScan:

sudo chmod +x wpscan.rb.

9. Create a symbolic link:

sudo ln -s /path/to/wpscan.rb /usr/local/bin/wpscan.

With these steps, WPScan should be operational on your Linux setup.

Diving into WPScan Commands:

- Basic Scanning: Initiate a rudimentary scan with

wpscan --url <your_website_url>`, replacing `<your_website_url>` with your WordPress domain. 

- Advanced Vulnerability Assessment: First, register at [WPScan]( to fetch an API key. Utilize the `-e` or `--enumerate` flag for an intensive scan:

wpscan --url <your_website_url> -e --api-token <your_api_token>`. This command yields a holistic vulnerability assessment.

- Brute Force Defense Awareness: WPScan's brute-force feature is designed to stress-test login defenses. However, use this responsibly and ethically:

wpscan — url <your_website_url> — passwords <path_to_password_list> — usernames <path_to_username_list> — threads <number_of_threads>`.

Vulnerability in real site :

RCE in Real Site :

How I Ethically Hacked a WordPress Site in 10 Minutes Using WPScan

How I Ethically Hacked a WordPress Site in 10 Minutes Using WPScan

Reflected XSS in Real Site :
How I Ethically Hacked a WordPress Site in 10 Minutes Using WPScan

How I Ethically Hacked a WordPress Site in 10 Minutes Using WPScan

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