What is Nmap and How to Use it in Cybersecurity | Ethical Hacking


What is Nmap and How to Use it in Cybersecurity | Ethical Hacking

Nmap stands as the premier scanning tool utilized by ethical hackers. In this piece, we'll delve into Nmap's key functionalities and introduce several handy commands.

Disclaimer: The content in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. Unauthorized penetration testing can be illegal. Always obtain permission before conducting any penetration tests.

What is Nmap?

Nmap, an abbreviation for Network Mapper, stands as a renowned open-source command-line tool on Linux, crafted for scanning IP addresses, ports, and identifying installed applications on a network. It empowers network administrators to identify active devices within their network, pinpoint open ports and services, and highlight potential vulnerabilities. Crafted by Gordon Lyon, known pseudonymously as Fyodor, Nmap was envisioned as an instrument for comprehensively mapping networks and their respective open ports and services. Its prominence has skyrocketed, with notable appearances in films like The Matrix and acclaimed TV shows like Mr. Robot.

Why use Nmap?

Security enthusiasts and professionals frequently lean towards Nmap over its contemporaries for a plethora of reasons.

At its core, Nmap offers the convenience of mapping out networks swiftly without the need for intricate commands or setups. Whether you're aiming for basic tasks, like verifying if a host is active, or diving into complex scripting facilitated by the Nmap scripting engine, this tool stands equipped.

Highlighting its features further:

- It possesses the prowess to promptly identify devices - be it servers, routers, switches, or mobile gadgets - across singular or multiple networks.
- Nmap isn’t just limited to identifying devices; it’s adept at recognizing services operating on a system. This ranges from web servers to DNS servers and other prevalent applications. Plus, it can even determine the versions of these applications with commendable precision, paving the way to spot vulnerabilities.
- When it comes to gleaning insights about the operating system of devices, Nmap excels. It presents detailed data, including OS versions, which can be pivotal for strategizing further maneuvers in penetration testing.
- For security assessments and vulnerability scanning, Nmap serves as a potent weapon, enabling users to assault systems using pre-existing scripts available in the Nmap Scripting Engine.
- For those who appreciate visuals, Nmap presents Zenmap - its graphical interface. This not only facilitates easier usability but also aids in crafting comprehensive visual reports of network explorations.


Let's look at some Nmap commands. If you don't have Nmap installed, you can get it from here. In Kali Linux it is already installed.

Basic scans

The initial phase in mapping a network involves scanning to identify active devices. For this purpose, you have a couple of scan options:

Ping Scan: This is used to identify which devices are currently active within a specified subnet.
nmap -sp
Single Host Scan: This method scans a single host for 1,000 renowned ports. These are typically the ports utilized by widely recognized services such as SQL, SNTP, apache, and more.
 nmap scanme.nmap.org

Stealth scan

A Stealth scan operates by dispatching an SYN packet and then analyzing the received response. If an SYN/ACK is received in return, it indicates that the port is open, enabling a TCP connection.

However, the intriguing aspect of a stealth scan is that it never completes the 3-way handshake, making it quite challenging for the target device to pinpoint the scanning system.
 nmap -sS scanme.nmap.org
For executing a stealth scan, you can deploy the ‘-sS’ command. It's essential to note that stealth scans tend to be more time-consuming and aren't as aggressive as other scanning techniques. Thus, a tad bit of patience might be required for results.

Version scanning

Ascertaining application versions forms a pivotal component in the realm of penetration testing. Having this information on hand can greatly streamline the process. For instance, if you know a particular version of a service, you can easily look up any associated vulnerabilities from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exploits (CVE) database. This data can then be harnessed to assail a system using a tool like Metasploit.
 nmap -sV scanme.nmap.org
For initiating a version scan, the ‘-sV’ command is your go-to. While Nmap will furnish a list of services along with their respective versions, it's prudent to remember that these scans might not always be impeccably accurate. Nonetheless, it does edge you closer to achieving a successful system breach.

OS Scanning

An essential feature of Nmap is its ability to deduce the operating system running on a target device. This is achieved using TCP/IP fingerprinting. During this OS scanning process, Nmap makes an attempt to also discern the system's uptime.
 nmap -sV scanme.nmap.org
If you wish to refine your OS scanning process, you can employ additional flags such as osscan-limit. This limits the search to specific, anticipated targets. Following the scan, Nmap presents its findings, specifying the level of confidence (as a percentage) for each OS deduction.

It's worth noting that while OS detection can be invaluable, it might not always be pinpoint accurate. However, it undeniably assists penetration testers in narrowing down their approach.

Intensive Scanning

One of the advanced features of Nmap is its intensive scanning mode. By using the -A parameter, you can activate a comprehensive scan that encompasses OS detection, version identification, script-based scanning, and even traceroute functionality.
 nmap -A scanme.nmap.org
Though intensive scans yield more detailed information compared to standard scans, there's a catch. These scans dispatch a higher number of probes, elevating the risk of detection, especially if security monitoring tools are active on the network.

Scanning Multiple Hosts

The versatility of Nmap allows it to scan multiple targets concurrently, proving invaluable for those overseeing extensive network environments.

Several methods facilitate multi-host scanning:

Using the asterisk () notation allows you to scan an entire subnet in one go.
nmap 192.164.1.
Instead of writing out full IP addresses, you can distinguish different host endings with commas.
To scan a range of IP addresses, employ the hyphen notation.
Port Scanning
The essence of Nmap lies in its robust port scanning capabilities, offering multiple scanning methods.

To scan a specific port, use the -p parameter:

nmap -p 973
Specify the port type for targeted scans, like the TCP connection, for instance.
nmap -p T:7777, 973
Scanning a range of ports is effortless with the hyphen separator.
nmap -p 76–973
You can focus on the most commonly used ports using the --top-ports flag:
nmap --top-ports 10 scanme.nmap.org
Scanning from a File
For extensive scans across numerous IP addresses, Nmap allows for file imports containing your list of IPs.
nmap -iL /input_ips.txt
This command processes and returns scans for all the IP addresses listed in the “input_ips.txt” file. Beyond basic scans, you can enrich the process with supplementary options and flags to customize your reconnaissance.

Verbosity and Exporting Scan Results

Penetration testing can last days or even weeks. Exporting Nmap results can be useful to avoid redundant work and to help with creating final reports. Let’s look at some ways to export Nmap scan results.

Verbose Output

 nmap -v scanme.nmap.org
The verbose output provides additional information about the scan being performed. It is useful to monitor step by step actions Nmap performs on a network, especially if you are an outsider scanning a client’s network.

Normal output

Nmap scans can also be exported to a text file. It will be slightly different from the original command line output, but it will capture all the essential scan results.

 nmap -oN output.txt scanme.nmap.org

XML output

Nmap scans can also be exported to XML. It is also the preferred file format of most pen-testing tools, making it easily parsable when importing scan results.

 nmap -oX output.xml scanme.nmap.org

Multiple Formats

You can also export the scan results in all the available formats at once using the -oA command.

 nmap -oA output scanme.nmap.org
The above command will export the scan result in three files — output.xml, output. Nmap and output.gnmap.

Nmap Help

Nmap has a built-in help command that lists all the flags and options you can use. It is often handy given the number of command-line arguments Nmap comes with.

nmap -h

Nmap Scripting Engine

Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is an incredibly powerful tool that you can use to write scripts and automate numerous networking features.

You can find plenty of scripts distributed across Nmap, or write your own script based on your requirements. You can even modify existing scripts using the Lua programming language.

What is Nmap and How to Use it in Cybersecurity | Ethical Hacking

NSE also has attack scripts that are used in attacking the network and various networking protocols.

Going through the scripting engine in-depth would be out-of-scope for this article, so here is more information about the Nmap scripting engine.


For those who might be hesitant about diving into the command-line world of Nmap, Zenmap emerges as a lifesaver. It's essentially the face of Nmap - a graphical user interface that makes the tool more approachable.
What is Nmap and How to Use it in Cybersecurity | Ethical Hacking

While being open-source and free, Zenmap does more than just provide a visual presentation. It facilitates a beginner-friendly approach to network scanning, helping newcomers grasp the basics without wrestling with commands. Plus, the ability to save and search previous scans adds to its convenience.

In essence, Zenmap is the perfect platform for those starting their journey in network mapping and penetration testing, offering a smooth transition into the more advanced functionalities of Nmap.


Branded as the "Swiss Army Knife" in the realm of networking, Nmap's arsenal of commands stands testament to its capabilities. With it, swift network scans become the norm, unveiling pivotal data about network structures, hosts, active ports, protective firewalls, and more. Whether you're an admin looking for insights into your network or a budding hacker seeking vulnerabilities, Nmap is your go-to tool. For a deeper dive, numerous resources are available online to guide you on mastering Nmap.

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